Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back on le Horse... Kinda


Well, let's just say that things went from bad to worse. I got several traffic tickets, I got passed over for several positions at work, I got really sick, my wisdom teeth started giving me fits, I missed a shift at work, and to top that all off, today I got a letter stating that my student loans (which were supposed to be deferred til Dec '13) are now trying to garnish my income tax returns for like EVER.

Ok from the top... I got a ticket for not using my blinker while making a right hand turn on a green light. The fine was $240.50 and I was put on probation (yay). Then I got a ticket for running a yellow light (yes a yellow light) and having a lost driver's license. The total fine was $178 and since I was flat broke they tried to take me to jail for 15 days. This is not caring that I'd lose my job and be homeless and starving. So I overdrafted my account and avoided jail at the cost of $315+.

My job has a policy that states that if you are a coworker that applies for an internal position, you are guaranteed an interview for it. Well I've applied for 8 (yes 8) internal positions and was only interviewed for 2. I also got none of them. Keep in mind 3 of them were in the department that I already work in, and I spend most of my workdays cleaning up the messes of my coworkers that occur due to uncaring and laziness.

I got sick and for a whole almost 2 days and couldn't hold down ANYTHING, not even water. This sickness came along with my wisdom teeth giving me so much pain that I couldn't eat anything for a week. Yes I'm even skinnier folks. I've lost over 20lbs. So I get medical assistance and they pretty much won't be able to squeeze me in to the surgeon until 25 September 2013... Great.

Finally, I missed work because my managers neglected to tell me that my name may appear in two separate places on the schedule and thus I should look out for more shifts elsewhere. Am I a bloody mind reader? Not last I checked so I miss a shift. They write me up on the highest level write up that they can do besides firing me in no way taking any responsibility for the mix up. I'm currently disputing it.

So basically readers, the last month and a half since my last post has been hellish. But guess what? I'm still fighting and will not give ground. The Department of Education can threaten my existence with tax refund stealing, but they can't get money that I don't have. If I were rich and making millions (hell even a few extra hundreds), I'd GLADLY pay them the money I owe them for a degree that is doing me not one bit of good (International Biz and Economics for those that want to know).

I got some completed projects and stuffs to share so as soon as I get to some wifi I'll be making some posts.

Look Out for more Crafty Shenanijinks by yours truly Jennifer M!

Until Then... Color Life Outside the Lines